ATTENTION SENIORS: Senior quotes are back in the yearbook! How to decide and submit yours:
A popular feature in high school yearbooks across the USA is the senior quote, which is basically a quote, either made up or selected by the student, that goes right below a senior’s photo. They can be funny, meaningful, and of course personalized.
Unfortunately, Colonia High School’s yearbook has previously omitted senior quotes. But that is about to change for the class of 2015. However, collecting different quotes from over 360 students can be quite a task, so cooperation is a must from the senior class. After all, having senior quotes is a privilege, as previous classes have failed to keep with the guidelines.
First of all, you’ll need to know where, when and how to submit your quotes. At the moment, there is a Google Doc on the yearbook tab of Mr. Cerchio’s SchoolWires page. There are three simple questions: Your name, school ID number (which can be found on your school ID card, Genesis page and schedule) and then sufficient space to write out your quote. Please read over your quote and make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors, because the yearbook staff wants to make sure everyone’s is 100% correct. There is no deadline at the moment for submissions; you will most likely have several months. However, it is asked that all seniors begin to at least consider options, because it is something that will remain in the yearbook forever.
Everyone should be aware and mindful of what school appropriate means, but just to clarify again, inappropriate quotes are quotes that contain objectionable material such as profanity and references to sex, drugs, alcohol, illegal activities, etc. But it is encouraged to have fun. If you are having trouble deciding on a quote, remember you can make one up and remember to please include the author of the quote. Also, it is asked that students refrain from using acronyms.
Please have fun and appreciate this personal privilege our senior class is lucky enough to have. Be appropriate; be you.
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